So I've been on vacation - off to Disney World for my birthday. We left on 1/21 and returned on 1/27. It was very cold in Florida the first couple of days - it got down to 33 at night and we had frost in the morning! Brrrrrrrr. But, we were at Disney! Cold at Disney is better than cold in Maine! Oh and when it was 37 when we got up that first day, it was 23 in Maine. LOL
We flew over a huge storm on the way back, landed in Philly just as it was about to start there, and then it travelled up the coast and dumped about 8" on us up here in Maine in a very nasty snowstorm/ice storm. I hate it when it rains after a storm and then everything is just a sheet of ice for a couple of days. Luckily it was warm enough to melt the ice the last couple of days.
So, catching up on my layouts for ADSR, we have #5. I did this one before I left for Florida. The challenge was to use three frames and no photos. You didn't have to journal, but I had written this about my cat when we euthanized here back in April 07 and I knew I had to record it somewhere on a page. Whitney was such a cute cat, she used to carry stuff around the house and cry over it. Indoor kitties get the strangest habits and hers was just a reflection of her need to hunt.
The vet came to the house to euthanize her and told me that it is been observed that surviving cats often take up a habit of a cat who leaves. Since Whitney's habit was so prominent (every day, several times a day she would cart a pen or something small), she said she bet Winston would start carrying pens. I said no way, he's never done anything remotely like that and isn't even vocal.
Well, he didn't. Carry pens, that is. He carries socks! The exact same way as she did. Crying all the time. Several times a day. Usually when we are not home, but sometimes when we are there. Like we came home Tuesday and he carried FOUR socks in about 30 minutes. Welcome home Mom and Dad! LOL Oh and he will drag a shirt, even my husbands skivvies. It's really hysterical. I like to ask him if he is channeling Whitney. LOL
OK, so enough of that story, here is "waiting for us at the Bridge"
And here is my little girl in another layout I did last year. I love tuxedo cats.